
==============> 重剑无锋,大巧不工。

Spring in Action(3rd edition) Learning Notes

This file recorded all the notes during learning Spring in Action 3rd Edition, I did not complete the book, and may continue to finish reading it later.

Chapter 2 Wiring beans

All namespaces could be contained in spring xml configuration file:

namespace purpose
aop for AOP
beans declaration of beans and how they should be wired
jee integration with Java EE APIs (JNDI, EJB, etc.)
mvc spring MVC
oxm spring object-to-xml mapping
tx transaction configuration

Wiring beans through constructor

The bean below will be wired by its default constructor:

<bean id="hello" class="ini.kelvin.spring.Hello" />

But if the bean definition does not have a default constructor:

<bean id="hello" class="ini.kelvin.spring.Hello">
    <constructor-arg value="someValue" />
    <constructor-arg ref="beanId" />

The example above will use the constructor which has two args, 1st one is basic type(err.. String should also be considered as "basic type"), 2nd one is an instance of an object, so it should be defined with <bean> tag and then the ref is the reference of that bean, whose id is beanId.

Wiring beans through factory method

Some definition of classes may not have a visible constructor, an example is the singleton bean definition, as below:

public class Singleton {
    private Singleton() {}

    public static Singleton getInstance() {
        return SingletonHolder.instance;

    private static class SingletonHolder {
        private static Singleton instance = new Singleton();

Under this condition, we can use following to construct the bean:

<bean id="singleton"
      factory-method="getInstance" />

Bean scoping

The definition of bean scope is as following:

Scope Description
singleton only one bean per spring container (*default
prototype once per use
request scopes a bean to an HTTP request, only valid
  when used in a web-capable spring context
  (such as with SpringMVC)
session to an HTTP session, similar to request
global-session to a global HTTP session, valid in a portlet

Initializing and destroying

Specify attributes init-method and destroy-method in a bean definition, the method specified by init-method will be invoked after the bean is constructed, and the method specified by destroy-method will be invoked before the bean is removed from the container.

<bean id="xxx"
      destroy-method="freeResource" />

As the example shows, the required resources will be allocated after constructed, and the resources will be freed before bean removed.

Wiring beans through property setting methods

<property> is like <constructor-arg>, example:

<bean id="hello" class="ini.kelvin.spring.Hello">
    <property name="stringProperty" value="someValue" />
    <property name="objectProperty" ref="beanId" />

In the example above, the method setStringProperty will be invoked to inject the value someValue, and setObjectProperty will be invoked to set the related property to the bean referenced by beanId.

NOTICE: the attribute name of property should be related to the set method, not the field name, e.g. field name is realProperty, but the set method is setFakeProperty, so the name should be fakeProperty.

In the example above, if there are several property, and all of them have ref to "beanId", then the bean with id "beanId" will be shared by all of them. The example below will create a standalone InnerBean, only available for bean "hello":

<bean id="hello" class="ini.kelvin.spring.Hello">
    <property name="stringProperty" value="someValue" />
    <property name="objectProperty">
        <bean class="package.path.InnerBean" />

Wiring collections

Elements for collection wiring:

Collection element Description
<list> Wiring a list of values, allowing duplicates
<set> Wiring a set of values, ensuring no duplicates
<map> Wiring name-value pairs, key and value could
  be of any type
<props> Wiring name-value pairs, key and value should
  be both String

An example of <list> (<set> is similar):

<bean ...>
    <property name="countries">
            <ref bean="China" />
            <ref bean="USA" />

An example of <map>:

<bean ...>
    <property name="keyValuePair">
            <entry key="key1" value-ref="Obj1" />
            <entry key="key2" value-ref="Obj2" />

The <entry> element contains a key value pair, both key and value could be a primitive value or a reference to another bean, when key/value is a primitive value, <key> / <value> should be used; when key/value referenced to other bean, <key-ref> / <value-ref> shoud be used.

An example of <props>:

<bean ...>
    <property name="personalInfo">
            <prop key="name">Kelvin Hu</prop>
            <prop key="email"></prop>

Wiring nothing(null)


<property ...>
    <null />

Spring expression language (SpEL):

This section is omitted.

Chapter 3 Minimizing XML configuration in Spring

  • Autowiring helps reduce <property> and <constructor-arg>.
  • Autodiscovery helps reduce <bean>.

Automatically wiring

  • byName : search beans, if a bean's id matches the property name, then it will be wired into this property
  • byType : search beans, search criteria is class type
  • constructor : search beans, the beans which can satisfy the bean's constructor wil be used to construct the bean
  • autodetect : try autowiring by constructor first, if no suitable constructor or bean is found, then try autowiring by type.

Wiring with annotations

By default annotation wiring is turned off, use the following line to turn it on:

<context:annotation-config />

Autowiring annotations:

  1. @Autowired / @Qualifier
  2. @Inject / @Named / @Qualifier
  3. @Value (for primitive types, useful while using with SpEL)
  4. @Resource

Automatically discovering

<context:annotation-config> is only used for automatically wiring, but <context:component-scan> will used for both autowiring, but also autodiscovery, as below:

<beans ...>
    <context:component-scan base-package="">

Annotations can be used:

  1. @Component : general-purpose annotation, indicating that the class is a Spring component
  2. @Controller : defines a Spring MVC controller
  3. @Repository : defines a data repository
  4. @Service : defines a service
  5. any customized annotation annotated with @Component

<context:component-scan> can include <context:include-filter> and <context:exclude-filter> to tweak component scanning. (this section is omitted, since it is not used so much)

Java-based configuration

not used so often, omitted

Chapter 4 Aspect-oriented Spring

AOP terminology


    The job that aspects are meant to do, is called advice, advice defines both the what and the when of an aspect.

    Spring aspects can work with five kinds of advice:

    • Before: the advice functionality takes place before the advised method is invoked
    • After: after advised method completes, no matter success or failure
    • After-returning: after succeeded completion
    • After-throwing: after exception-thrown completion
    • Around: both before and after

    A join point is a point in the execution of the application where an aspect can be plugged in. This point could be a method being called, an exception being thrown, or a field being modified.


    Advice defines the what and the when of aspects, then pointcuts define the where. A pointcut defines a set of join points at which the advice should be woven.


    An aspect is the merger of advice and pointcuts, advice and pointcuts define an aspect: what is does, and, where and when it does it.


    An introduction allows to add new methods or attributes to existing classes.


    Weaving is the process of applying aspects to a target object to create a new proxied object. There are three points that weaving can take place: Compile time, Classload time, and Runtime.

Declaring aspects in XML

AOP configuration element Purpose
<aop:config> The top-level AOP element.
<aop:advisor> an AOP advisor
<aop:after> an AOP after advice
<aop:after-returning> an AOP after-returning advice
<aop:after-throwing> an AOP after-throwing advice
<aop:around> an AOP around advice
<aop:aspect> an aspect
<aop:aspectj-autoproxy> enables annotation-driven aspects using
<aop:before> an AOP before advice
<aop:declare-parents> introduces additional interfaces to advised
  objects that are transparently implemented
<aop:pointcut> a pointcut

A typical configuration:

<bean id="aspectBean" class="package.AspectBean" />
    <aop:aspect ref="aspectBean">
        <aop:pointcut id="aPointCut"
            expression="execution(* package.class.method(..))" />
        <aop:before pointcut-ref="aPointCut" method="aspectMethod" />

For the example above, the class definition package.AspectBean should have a method named aspectMethod, which will be invoked before the execution of package.class.method().

But, for the type <aop:around>, it is not that simple like the example above. The XML configuration of this type is similar to <aop:before>, but the method aspectMethod defined in package.AspectBean should have the following prototype:

public void aspectMethod(ProceedingJoinPoint joinPoint)

and the invocation of joinPoint.proceed() will invoke the advised method, so code blocks can be put before and after this invocation, which can implement the effect of "around".

Annotating aspects


Chapter 5 Hitting the database

Several options to configure a data source:

  • Data source defined by a JDBC driver
  • Data source looked up by JNDI
  • Data source pool connections(C3P0, DBCP, etc.)

PS: This chapter seems quite simple, no more to note.

Chapter 6 Managing transactions

A transaction manager should be chosen first: DataSourceTransactionManager, HibernateTransactionManager, etc.